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Unlocking the Secret to Bodily Freedom

Unique, highly effective, easy to learn method that helps to re-establish freedom within the body.

About the Method

Dynamic-Momentum is a results-oriented method that has been specifically designed to teach you how to master new and unique skills, significantly improve physical conditions, and permit you to attain levels of success with your clients , friends and family, that are generally accepted as unachievable.

Using our courses, you will understand concepts and principles that make Dynamic-Momentum different from all other forms of therapy.

Our programs includes easy-to-follow videos (with English subtitles), photos, and instructions on how to apply Dynamic-Momentum to help free the body of tension, pain, and difficulties with movement.

You will learn specific hand placement strategies to achieve optimal results in addressing the five regions of the body.

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The Power
Image by Clem Onojeghuo

The Power of Dynamic-Momentum

When I initially created Dynamic-Momentum, I did so to help Osteopathic physicians achieve greater success when treating their patients. But I have come to understand that Dynamic-Momentum can be used by virtually anyone, anywhere in the world, who would like to address others in a unique way. 

People from all different types of professions, including martial artists, computer people, massage and physical therapists, lawyers, osteopaths and medical doctors have successfully learned and applied the Dynamic-Momentum Method on themselves, their family/pets, friends and clients as well.

The results that I and my patients have witnessed in my 30 years of practicing Osteopathy, have shown me that many conditions or illnesses can greatly improve or even resolve completely. I have been fortunate enough to have participated in over 30,000 hourly visits with my patients, based on a moderate estimate over these many years. 

While working with infants, I have resolved torticollis (usually within 1 to 2 treatments), resolved hypotonia, corrected or greatly improved strabismus, significantly improved plagiocephaly, corrected dislocated hips, reflux/vomiting, irritability, insomnia, and those who had a failure to thrive, difficulty with sucking and/or latching. 


Provide Confidence

You will be expoesed to many success stories that were based solely on using the Dynamic-Momentum Method. Our courses will help give you the confidence needed to properly address your clients, friends and family.


Fast to Learn

I have simplified my 30 years of medical training and experiance into a quick and concise program that virtually anyone can learn and apply immediately to get deep, effective and lasting results. 


Easy to Practice

Without having any prior knowledge and/or experience with hands on therapy, our courses will show you how the Dynamic-Momentum Method works, whereby you can start immediately applying it to others.


Better Results

The Dynamic-Momentum Method is unlike other types of hands-on therapy because it provides you with a completely different and highly effective approach in addressing the body. It takes into account all the bodily tissues simultaneously in order to help resolve countless physical issues.


A Word from the Founder...

As a Doctor of Osteopathy I know and have succussfully taught approximatly 200-300 different techniques in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. 

However, in my private clinic I use Dynamic-Momentum 90% to 100% of the time I am seeing someone. Dynamic-Momentum can be used in a professional setting, at home, or wherever there is someone who may need your help.

Dr. Cliff

Dynamic-Momentum Founder

Benefits of Dynamic-Momentum (1).jpg

Dynamic-Momentum may help to create a feeling of mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness.

Dynamic-Momentum may potentially help improve the natural or inherent motion that exists within the living body. 

Dynamic-Momentum may help us to become more aware of bodily restrictions that may be interfering with the quality of our lives.

Dynamic-Momentum may permit greater expression of ourselves.

Dynamic-Momentum may eliminate inhibitory forces and permit more flow within our bodies.


Leg & Foot pains


Head, Neck & Shoulders pains


Pregnant women


Babies with Reflux

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Disc herniations


What you'll learn

Our courses will teach you the theory and practical applications of Dynamic-Momentum. You will see examples and detailed explanations of how you can apply this hands-on method to others.

Our courses are unique – Innovative and unlike other therapeutic methods.

Non-invasive, gentle, and safe to use – On clients, family members, and friends.

Highly effective – Achieve extraordinary results for a wide-range of conditions.

No prerequisites – No special equipment or prior training, degrees, or licenses needed.

Easy to learn – You can immediately start applying Dynamic-Momentum to others.

Low cost – Compared to traditional schools or institutes of higher learning.

Stay at home – You can learn Dynamic-Momentum without having to leave the comforts of home.

Use on animals – Dr. Cliff also achieves phenomenal success when using Dynamic-Momentum on friendly dogs, cats and horses. (Use at your discretion).

What wll you learn
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About Dr. Cliff Heinrich

I always wanted to help people. I thought that I could best accomplish this desire to help people by becoming a doctor. I specifically chose to go to an Osteopathic medical school because I understood that graduates would be able to learn and practice medicine along with being able to correct bodily complaints and injuries.

After graduating from the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM) I completed my Internship at Massapequa General Hospital on Long Island, New York. Two years later I completed my Family Practice/Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Residency at Community Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona.

I opened my private practice in Phoenix and began to teach medical students at my clinic. I also taught as a professor at the A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Mesa, Arizona for several years. My main field of study focused on Osteopathy, in which I have studied, practiced, and taught to both medical students in the USA and Osteopathic students in Israel.

About Dr. Cliff

In which situations can you apply Dynamic-Momentum?

People who have experienced the Dynamic-Momentum Method had a greater sense of well being and felt much more comfortable in their own bodies.

Dynamic-Momentum has helped to resolve:

  • Insomnia

  • Difficulty with movement

  • Issues with pain

  • Weakness in various parts of the body

  • Headaches 

  • Back issues 

  • And many more situations 

By using Dynamic-Momentum I have helped a vast number of individuals avoid the need for further medical intervention. The list of applications are far-reaching. During this course I will teach you how to use Dynamic-Momentum so that you can successfully apply it to countless issues that an individual may have.

Here is a video of a woman with a restricted and painful shoulder before and after just one session.

Before Treatment
After Treatment
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Image by Patrick Malleret

Who is it for?

Practicing therapists

(Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, and other Manual Therapists from other professions) who wish to expand their skillset with Dynamic-Momentum techniques. Irrespective of the type of therapy that you currently practice, this course will give you a new perspective on how you can work with your clients.

For beginners who wish to help:

  • Themselves

  • Family members, partners and children

  • Friends
  • Friendly pets at your own discretion


If you are going to apply Dynamic-Momentum in your clinic, you will likely need a therapeutic table or a futon.

If you are going to use it at home or wherever you may be, you can use a bed, a chair, or even the floor, depending on the situation.


There are no prerequisites for this course. Anyone with a desire to help others can understand the theory and methods behind Dynamic-Momentum and successfully and easily learn how to apply it.

Who is it for

Our Programs

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We will start by understanding the theory behind Dynamic-Momentum, You will learn how to identify problematic areas in the body, The technique behind Dynamic-Momentum. Hand positions for applying Dynamic-Momentum throughout the body:

Neck, Head, Shoulders, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Wrists, Hands, Torso, Lower Back, Sacrum, Upper Leg, Knees, Lower Leg, Feet.

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Addressing Yourself


With approximately 30 years of experience in practicing osteopathy, I have created a simple-to-follow program that I believe you and your body will appreciate!

I believe that you will see positive changes after following the simple steps in this program. I use these techniques on myself and share them with my patients, friends, and family. 

Choose Your Pricing Plan


    Dynamic Momentum flagship course
    • 50 Recorded lessons (DM Course)
    • Transcripts and Written guides
    • Support via Email
    • 1-Year access to all videos
  • Most Popular


    Dynamic Momentum flagship course + Addressing Yourself course
    • 50 Recorded Lessons (DM Course)
    • 18 Recorded Lessons (AY Course)
    • Transcripts & Written guides
    • Support via Email & Phone
    • 3-Year access to all videos
  • VIP

    DM curse + AY course + Bonus course + Weekly Zoom meetings
    • 50 Recorded Lessons (DM)
    • 18 Recorded Lessons (AY)
    • 10 Recorded Lessons (Bonus Head)
    • Transcripts & Written guides
    • Support via Email, Phone & Whatsapp
    • 3 year access to all videos
    • Weekly Zoom - FAQ with Dr. Cliff

Not sure what's right for you?

Don't hesitate to contact our support team for a free consulting call that will help you understand the benefits of each plan in our pricing structure.



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Cliff is for certain an amazing therapist!

Cliff is for certain an amazing therapist and one of the best that I have known.
He helped me to stand on my feet after a very difficult injury of my knee.
Even though the doctors recommended surgery, with Cliff’s help I have recovered and healed with no need for surgery.

- T.A.

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About the method
About the Founder
Blog & Articles

Our Programs

Dynamic Momentum
Addressing yourself
Bonus course


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